Learn, grow and be adaptive to changes – An interview with Frank Frohmann
Frank Frohmann, author and pricing expert, talks about digital pricing and associated challenges, his innovative ideas and techniques, and his keynote presentation which is based on his book “Digitales Pricing”. You have more than 23 years of leadership experience in marketing, sales, and pricing. Which was the most challenging part of your career and why? […]
How Globalization, Technology and Waste Management Shape the Chemical Industry in 2018
Major challenges such as increasing globalization, disruptive technologies or environmental preservation affect all industries and thus also chemicals. Departments like Supply Chain, Resource Planning or Life Cycle Management will experience a significant boost in efficiency throughout this and the following years. Have a look at these three major trends particularly relevant for the chemical industry. […]
Digitalization: How Transparency & Full-Time Availability Change Traditional Sales Patterns
We know that Digitalization plays a crucial role in the chemical industry in 2018. Digitalization does not only cause a shift in supply centers but also opens doors to increasing competition. Customers often take advantage of increasing competition among sales professionals by demanding low-cost solutions. So consequently, there might be more pressure to maintain the full value of the sale […]
How AI and Machine Learning Can Transform the Chemical Industry
The chemical industry is -without question- one of the most important industries in the world. Not only do 90% of our everyday products contain chemicals, but the industry also employs approximately 10 million people. Naturally, they were one of the first to embrace digital technologies such as process control systems or sensors which have a long […]
How To Embrace Change In A Traditional Industry Like Chemicals
During our market research for the Chemicals Sales and Marketing Toolbox, we wanted industry leaders to share their insights with us in order to deeply understand the challenges they are facing in their day-to-day activities. The last interview within our Digitalization Trilogy of Interviews was with Wojciech Poludniewski*, Group Director, Digital Business at Hempel A/S. He is one of […]